What is 15/25 as a percentage?

It’s very common when learning about fractions to want to know how to convert a fraction like 15/25 into a percentage. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to turn any fraction into a percentage really easily. Let’s take a look!

Before we get started in the fraction to percentage conversion, let’s go over some very quick fraction basics. Remember that a numerator is a number above the fraction line, and the denominator is the number below the fraction line. We’ll use this later in the tutorial.

When we are using percentages, what we are really saying is that the percentage is a fraction of 100. “Percent” means per hundred, and so 50% is the same as saying 50/100 or 5/10 in fraction form.

15 is what percent of 25

15 is what percent of 25

So, since our denominator in 15/25 is 25, we could adjust the fraction to make the denominator 100. To do that, we divide 100 by the denominator:

100 ÷ 25 = 4

Once we have that, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by this multiple:

15 x 4 = 60
25 x 4 = 100

Now we can see that our fraction is 60/100, which means that 15/25 as a percentage is 60%.

We can also work this out in a simpler way by first converting the fraction 15/25 to a decimal. To do that, we simply divide the numerator by the denominator:

15/25 = 0.6

Once we have the answer to that division, we can multiply the answer by 100 to make it a percentage:

0.6 x 100 = 60%

And there you have it! Two different ways to convert 15/25 to a percentage. Both are pretty straightforward and easy to do, but I personally prefer the convert to the decimal method as it takes fewer steps.

I’ve seen a lot of students get confused whenever a question comes up about converting a fraction to a percentage, but if you follow the steps laid out here it should be simple. That said, you may still need a calculator for more complicated fractions (and you can always use our calculator in the form below).

If you want to practice, grab yourself a pen, a pad, and a calculator and try to convert a few fractions to a percentage yourself.

Hopefully, this tutorial has helped you to understand how to convert a fraction to a percentage. You can now go forth and convert fractions to percentages as much as your little heart desires!


What is 15 as a percentage of 25?

15 is 60 percent of 25.

What is a 15 out of 25 grade?

60.00%The percentage score for 15 out of 25 is 60.00%. This is a D- grade.

What is 1525 in Army time?

3:25 PM1525 Hours in Military Time Is 3:25 PM in Regular Time.

Is 15 15 AM or PM?

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the 24 Hour Clock and AM/PM:

Example: on the hourExample: 10 minutes past
24 Hour ClockAM / PM24 Hour ClockAM / PM
00:0012 Midnight00:1012:10 AM
01:001:00 AM 01:101:10 AM
02:002:00 AM 02:102:10 AM
03:003:00 AM 03:103:10 AM
04:004:00 AM 04:104:10 AM
05:005:00 AM 05:105:10 AM
06:006:00 AM 06:106:10 AM
07:007:00 AM 07:107:10 AM
08:008:00 AM 08:108:10 AM
09:009:00 AM 09:109:10 AM
10:0010:00 AM 10:1010:10 AM
11:0011:00 AM 11:1011:10 AM
12:0012 Noon 12:1012:10 PM
13:001:00 PM 13:101:10 PM
14:002:00 PM 14:102:10 PM
15:003:00 PM 15:103:10 PM
16:004:00 PM 16:104:10 PM
17:005:00 PM 17:105:10 PM
18:006:00 PM 18:106:10 PM
19:007:00 PM 19:107:10 PM
20:008:00 PM 20:108:10 PM
21:009:00 PM 21:109:10 PM
22:0010:00 PM 22:1010:10 PM
23:0011:00 PM 23:1011:10 PM

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