Telegram Supergroups: the process of creation and distinguishing features –

For the purpose of bringing lots of interlocutors together in one dialogue, the developers of a well-known messenger proposed new service to their clients. Telegram Supergroups are an updated version of standard groups where more than 200 members can be added. The key advantage of such groups consists in the possibility of bringing people together according to some particular occupations, professions, or interests, whether it is sports, traveling, cinematography, industry, technologies, and so forth.

It is worth mentioning that this idea is not innovative. For example, a similar mechanism was used in Skype. However, an unsolved problem regarding notifications, the essence of which consisted in receiving the messages at every given opportunity, did not contribute to technology development.

Telegram Supergroups use a different format, due to which the users receive notifications quite rare as the real necessity arises. On the one hand, the given approach allowed unloading a server and increasing information transmission rate, and on the other hand, it contributed to engaging more users.

Process of creation and settings

The usage of such functional is rational when you need to start topic-based crowd communication. Besides, as opposed to a channel where the gradual promotion is possible, a group is better to be created if basic audience is already available. It will be increasingly difficult to build it up from scratch.

To create such a community, a user is not required to perform complex manipulations. For a start, open a «New group» and think up a creative name for it. If you are aimed at steady audience building, it is reasonable to choose the one which will correspond to the proposed topic. Further, this will help you to engage more people having related interests.

In order to turn an ordinary group into a super one, just go to «Group info» and choose «Upgrade to supergroup» option. It is as simple as that.

The group members are added by means of the «Add members» option in a standard model. If you want to join some particular community, you need to find it in the list and press the arrow button located beside a name.

Distinguishing features of Telegram Supergroup

To have a clear understanding of whether you need a supergroup or not, it is necessary for you to be aware of its distinguishing features.

  • The number of members: each supergroup can have up to 5000 members (it is the largest indicator among the popular messengers). When it comes to standard groups, the maximum number of members is equal to 200.
  • Administration: a group can be administrated by any person appointed by its creator. The adminʼs duties include inviting new members, changing some data, and monitoring messages. Moreover, the new moderator’s responsibilities include not only removing the messages but also blocking the users if required. In the case of removing a particular user, all his messages are automatically deleted. To have complete control over the content on the page, it is better to select another service. What is meant here is a channel where the users are able to check out the content but have no opportunity for leaving their comments.
  • History: as the communication process is carried out in an open mode, a new member has access to the entire message history which was not deleted by moderators.
  • Notifications: the given option is disabled by default but the users receive notifications of some events quite rarely even in enabled mode. If you have the iOS system, it is possible to view notifications by sliding down a toolbar. In the Android system, users can share notifications with their friends. In order to do this, slide the arrow beside a link to the right.
  • Bots: to make the communication process more alive, it is possible to add several bots into a dialogue. For this purpose, just type their names in the appropriate text input field and wait for confirmation which is usually sent without significant delay.

One of Telegram’s innovations includes the possibility of creating a public community with an attached personal link. After following a link, any person will be able to read message history and become a regular member if desired. Publicity is of great importance when you create an industry-specific format by discussing dentistry, jurisprudence, and electronic engineering issues, for example. In this case, each expert can follow a link and join a discussion sparking his interest. Itʼs important that all visitors have access to the discussion archive, so they can evaluate their colleagues’ professional level and quickly jump into a dialogue.

Telegram is characterized by regular changes and new add-ins. When developing a system functional, the programmers make efforts to make Telegram communication as comfortable as possible. For this reason, it is important to constantly watch for application updates and rapidly install them on a smartphone or PC.

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