React Native Chat 2022. Reply on Swipe like in Telegram. Part 2 – Telegram Group

React Native Chat 2022. Reply on Swipe like in Telegram. Part 2

What we build:

  1. Create a Chat template with react-native-gifted-chat
  2. Configure the Chat component as in a real project
  3. Logic to set Reply message like in Telegram
  4. Configure Swipe and Animation like in Telegram with
  5. The final touches — useRef + useCallback

Step 5. The final touches — useRef + useCallback


Last time we created Swipe with Animation (please, read the 1st part):

The problem here is that we need to click on the message to close swipe, but in Telegram, it closes itself.

We can do auto close in that way:

1. To get the currently opened swipe we are going to use ref:

The ref attribute can be an object created by React.createRef() function or a callback function, or a string (in legacy API).

We do a callback function, that we will pass through props:

ChatMessageBox.tsx’ file
ChatMessageBox.tsx’ file

2. Create a callback function for updateRowRef prop:

a) First, we create a special object with useRef hook (in the ‘AppChat.tsx’ file) where we are going to store a link to the currently opened swipe element:

AppChat.tsx’ file

b) Second, create updateRowRef function and save the currently opened Swipeable element into the swipeableRowRef object:

AppChat.tsx’ file

useCallback is MUST here because we will have a lot of messages in future and we want one function to be used for all of the message boxes.

If you remove useCallback and run your app on a real device you will see that Animation and Chat work very slow and buggy.

c) Update renderMessageBox function — pass the updateRowRef to ChatMessageBox:

AppChat.tsx’ file

3. useEffect that will run the close method for us, after setting replyMessage:

AppChat.tsx’ file

Now, we do not need to click on boxes to close them:


You can take the full code here

Extra: render the replied message


1. Add custom type for Message record:

AppChat.tsx’ file

2. Update onSend function — add replied message text to current message:

AppChat.tsx’ file

3. Create a new render function for replied messages in a message box:

AppChat.tsx’ file
AppChat.tsx’ file

4. Pass a new render function to the chat component:

Final result:

The full code is available here

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