Finding difference between channel, group and supergroup in Telegram –

The difference between a channel, a group and a supergroup in Telegram

The Pavel Durovʼs messenger is characterized by a sufficiently high functionality and a possibility of creating several types of group communities is especially noteworthy. We are sure that new Telegram users are interested in the difference between a channel, a group and a supergroup in Telegram.


Channels as an ideal platform for microblogs

It should be noted that there is no possibility of commenting publications in Telegram – it is a characteristic feature of the messenger’s channels which sets them apart from other communities. Messages can be sent by administrators only, while ordinary users are allowed just to read them. Such functional was initially created with the aim of optimizing bulk mail – a notification of the new post is automatically sent to all subscribers’ devices. However, nowadays the similar publics are used by lots of bloggers who set their eyes on a user-friendly interface and the absence of unnecessary information in the news feed.


In addition, the difference between Telegram channels, groups and supergroups (we will return to this issue later) consists in the unlimited number of subscribers as well. For example, the most popular Iranian publics have up to 1 million followers. Russian channels cannot boast of such figures yet but famous bloggers are able to attract several tens of thousands of users.


The channel in Telegram is an ideal platform for microblogging
Popular blogs in Telegram have huge audiences of up to one million people


There is no difficulty in creating a Telegram channel. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the messenger’s service menu.
  2. Choose the «New channel» option.
  3. In the appeared window, type the name of a public and its description (if desired). Further, tap on the «Create» button.
  4. Mark the required variant of a channel:
    • Public (available to any Telegram user);
    • Private (available for those ones having a special link);
  5. Create URL having the following format: «».
  6. Tap on the «Save» button.


After your public is created, you may change an account picture, add subscribers from your contact list and expand the list of administrators which will add the required content to the news feed along with a creator.


Group chat providing communication between close friends

A group is a perfect choice if you want to create a relatively small community, the members of which will be able to see the other users’ posts and comment them. The maximum number of the group chat’s members is equal to 200 users, which allows creating a comfortable platform providing communication between colleagues, classmates/fellow students, close friends etc.


Group chat for communication of close friends in Telegrams
Instructions for creating a small conversation with a maximum of 200 participants


In order to create a group, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Telegram Service menu.
  2. Choose «New group».
  3. Give it a name.
  4. Add users from your contact list.
  5. Tap on the «Create button».


As is the case with a channel, you may also change your group picture and assign new administrators in the Settings menu. At the same time, the latter ones have rather limited opportunities – they are only able to block users who violate the established rules.


Creation of a super community or what is the difference between a channel, a group and a supergroup in Telegram?

Each group can be transformed into a supergroup by choosing the corresponding «Upgrade to supergroup» option. In this case, you get the enhanced features which make the significant difference when it comes to common chats. Supergroupsʼ features include:


Advanced chats in Telegram can hold up to 5000 people
Advanced dialogue for five thousand people is created from the usual by upgrade in the settings


  • Expansion in the number of members from 200 to 5000;
  • Availability of the entire conversation history for new members;
  • Simultaneous deletion of all the conference members’ messages;
  • Possibility of pinning important posts at the top of a dialogue box.


There is also one fine point to be taken into consideration: it is impossible to transform a supergroup back into an ordinary group chat.


Such functional is meant for the creation of large thematic communities. For example, Telegram has lots of IT-conferences including several hundred and even thousand members. Marketing, sports and humor spheres which can get a great number of likeminded people together are quite popular as well. Administrators have been provided with the extended features in order to keep the process of communication according to the rules established in some particular supergroup – they have allowed removing all irrelevant comments from their feed and pin important messages at the top of the screen.


Large groups in Telegram are suitable for different fields of activity
Large conferences in Telegram are suitable for communicating like-minded people in various fields of activity

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