️?Celebration of 100,000 members mark in KDG Telegram group ?? – Telegram Group

️?Celebration of 100,000 members mark in KDG Telegram group ??

?Congratulations to the KDG Community on reaching 100,000 members Telegram. Community has always been a crucial part of KDG, we would like to send our gratitude to all KDG users, you have been awesome in this journey with us ❤️❤️

?Together we created the most significant milestone in history:

✅Our Telegram Global Chat has reached 100,000 members ??

?We are proud to say that our community has been growing exponentially and organically. And this number is continuously growing more & more ??

?Today, let’s be a member of KDG family to spark a new breakthrough.

Give me your hand and together we can take KDG to the moon ??

?Don’t forget to join our KDG local groups to receive the best support

??Global Chat









About Kingdom Game 4.0

Kingdom Game 4.0 is one of the pioneers in the blockchain game market that helped to bring a game-changer to the gaming industry by transforming gaming from a mere pastime to a high-paying side hustle, or even a full-time job.

With the adaptation of the revolutionary blockchain technology, KDG is creating a brand new platform where there is an inseparable connection between game developers, gamers, and networks of distribution systems.

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