Zenith Finance Vault AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group – Best Telegram

Zenith Finance Vault AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group

On 20th of November, Zenith Finance Vault conducted an AMA on Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was David Clinton, Founder of Zenith Finance Vault. Impressive interest from our Community with a lot of questions on both Twitter and Telegram. Let’s take a look at most interesting points of the AMA.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. It’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome David Clinton and Zenith Finance Vault.

David Clinton: Glad to meet you here air.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Happy to have you with us today David. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto?

David Clinton: I’m DAVID CLINTON founder of Zenith Finance vault. I got involved into crypto few years ago when I stumbled on an article about how crypto is the future. Then I began reading and making research. I loved what I was reading then my interest in crypto grew.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: What was the first Crypto you invest in?

David Clinton: Btc.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh nice. What is your prediction for BTC this year? Will we see new ATH?

David Clinton: The Market is volatile. $16k was my prediction. Well let’s see how it goes.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please describe what is Zenith Finance Vault in few simple sentences?

David Clinton: Zenith Finance Vault is created to provide an extra level of security for crypto based assets.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you David. Jumping to Twitter questions.

Q1 from @ahpamsn

About security, your project wanna launch any program like hackaton or bug bounty to check vulnerabilities? If yes, have any e-mail or person to contact?

David Clinton: We would be launching a Hackathon in few weeks. All info would be given on our website soon. We would be launching grants for developers willing to build amazing products on our network, this would also be showcased as part of our ecosystem.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: What kind of amazing products you mean? Can you mention some of them please?

David Clinton: Fintech based products, like remittance or crossborder settlement systems built on web3.0.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you.

Q2 from @MesumKadal

Which area does Zenith Finance Vault focus on at the moment? (DeFi, Dapps,Stake, Yield Farming…)

David Clinton: We are focused on security and Defi.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: How you are unique from all other Defi Projects out there?

David Clinton: Every project has it’s uniqueness, we are much focused in solving the problem of security, network scalability with less volatility. Hereby solving the problems of interoperable flow of assets and data across protocols & applications, is to create an internet of value for all.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Sounds interesting.

Q3 from @Bitcoinfans2008

Zenith wallet and faucet server will be open-sourced to enable developers to interact with ZETA. This interconnection is necessary, but how do you make it NOT a vulnerability in terms of security by being open sourced?

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Chat be ready for Quiz Part after David answers this one.

David Clinton: We would contract an open source organization like Quantstamp or ConsenSys to help with audits of our smartcontracts, with time we would appoint active and supporting members of community to help with weekly report of the entire network. This would give us a 100% leverage on transparency.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thanks for the answers David. Ready for Quiz Part.

David Clinton: You’re welcome.


Question: How many platform is Zenith Finance Vault launching with it’s consensus engine?

Answer: 2.

Question: What does a re-entrance attack mean?

Best answer: A reentrancy attack can occur when you create a function that makes an external call to another untrusted contract before it resolves any effects.

Question: What are the shortcomings of centralized crypto wallets highlighted on ZFV whitepaper?

Best answer: The Problem of Theft, ownership, governance.

Question: How many steps are required to mine a block N on the ZFN network?

Answer: 4.


Telegram User:

How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?

David Clinton: Great products today are valued based on it’s ecosystem and diversification. We are building ZFV not just as a single entity or committee, we building this product as a community. Our core strength will be based off the value of our community.

Telegram User:

From your website, we can submit problem, suggestion, idea or bug report and get reward, where we can submit that?

David Clinton: We would be releasing a form that would attribute these details this would surely come during the time of the Hackathon.

Telegram User:

Zenith Finance Vault has a planned roadmap for Wallet integration available on Google Play, Windows and Linux. What features will the wallet present? Does each OS have a different wallet function?

David Clinton: They would all have the same functionalities. All our client side apps are built on a cross platform framework. web might have more integrations with other services.

Telegram User:

What is Zenith’s long-term vision really? is it just creating a security structure that is totally anti-hackable? and is the structure used when DeFi finance is established worldwide?

David Clinton: Like we have highlighted before, we are focused in solving the security challenges currently faced with most crypto wallets and services. We are also keen in creating a diverse ecosystem of products in every sector, but we can only achieve this when we have taken charge of the main aspects of our challenge.

Telegram User:

How do you plan to spread your understanding of the project in different countries where spoken English is not good like me?

David Clinton: A grant pool will be created to enable translators in the community be able to translate every vital information of our project. Vietnam community can join here: @ZENITHFINANCEVAULTVN


David Clinton: Thank you very much. I really enjoyed my time.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you David. Opening the chat now.

David Clinton: You’re welcome.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

Website: https://crypto-revolution.io

Telegram group: https://t.me/crypto_revolution1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/revolut20?s=09

Our Partner:

Website: https://zenithfinancevault.com/

Telegram group: https://t.me/zenithfinancevaultdiscussion

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZenithFinanceVt

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