Ways to make money from Telegram groups. Step-by-step instructions. – Telegram Group

Ways to make money from Telegram groups. Step-by-step instructions.

Greetings dear friend.

Today I will describe for you 3 unique ways of earning, which have been repeatedly tested and with a serious approach, all show a yield of $45000 per month (actually, there is no limit here, and you will understand it later).

1. Ways to make money.
2. Step-by-step instructions.
3. Tips.
4. Conclusion.

1. Ways to make money.

In order.
We start with the easiest and gradually get to the hard. You can use 3 methods at a time.

So, Telegram Script has a basic function:

Invite members from other groups to your group.

If you haven’t understood yet, thanks to this Script you can develop your groups without investing in advertising at all! For those who want to develop their channel/group in Telegram, this script is a tidbit.

As practice shows, there is a very high demand for this script, which is not surprising. Telegram channel owners spend huge amounts of money on advertising to attract users to their channel. Once they learn about this tool, they realize that they might not spend any money on developing their channel at all.

And here, you may have already guessed the power and opportunities this tool offers to generate revenue.

So, let’s move on to ways to make money!

1 way — selling groups

Now, you do not have a problem with a day to score, for example, 10 000 participants in your group, and these people are active! Advertising is now a real need not.
You recruit real users and put the group (e.g. mining, crypto news, Telegram shop, author channels, training, etc.) up for sale — the easiest money.

Example: The easiest way is to create a dating chat room.

You don’t need to fill the group with content, it will just have people chatting in it.

Use the Script to add members from other large groups to yours. The script will have instructions on how to do it all.

Once you add the first 200–500 people, you will have the first activity, people will start to correspond.

Once you add 5000–10000 participants, you can sell the groups (how much to recruit and then sell is up to you).

Here’s the best resource for this, it has a lot of activities:


At this site, groups buy up quickly. If you put the price a little less than your competitors, your groups will be sold faster than anyone else.

2 way — developing groups, advertising sales

This method for the long term. It is the most profitable and can be a passive income. You can quickly develop your Telegram group.

After gaining a sufficient number of subscribers (50000–100000), you can earn passively on advertising in your group, on partnerships, offers of cooperation, and believe me, they will.

You can create a network of telegram channels, distilling users from your other channels. There are no limits, it’s up to you.
You can develop your channels much faster and for free with this Script.

By attracting a huge number of people, you will open up a lot of ways to make money.

2. Step-by-step instructions.

Now I will write a link to the forum, where there is an instructions on installing and setting up the Script. The instructions are in Russian. To translate it into your language — everything is described in detail there. You may need to register on this forum.

The link to download the script is at the top of the page in the picture below it says “Author”.

3. Tips

  1. The Script requires a program (programming language) Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/

2. If you are just starting with the Script and don’t have your own channel, I strongly advise you to start earning money by creating several groups, there you can earn first money by attracting advertising to your chat.

Chat is needed in the beginning, in order to determine the audience.
After all, if one chat, for example, about cooking, 100 000 messages a day and it is advantageous to advertise there, and then create a channel on this subject (and of course all users of the “pull” to this channel), then another chat, such as repair of refrigerators can be 100–150 messages a day, although there will be 100 000 subscribers …
Although it may be the opposite, you have to look.

Create, compare and go to another level!

3. When you create a new group, in the group settings → Group Management put this Bot in the administrators: @AntiServiceMessageBot and set it permissions ONLY to delete messages. This bot will delete messages about users added by Script in the group (and it will be clean in the group, and won’t make others suspicious).

4. Delay in invitations happens depending on Telegram response, if Telegram registers suspicious activity, then delay is enabled automatically — you need to pause.

5. Comes with an error in the form of restrictions from the Telegram itself, so that the account is not bloc for spam API, try other accounts (preferably with accounts older than 3, up to 7 days).

6. To prevent flying away to a ban: use VPN ( for example VPN on the computer (not in Chrome !!!): https://www.betternet.co/windows-vpn/ ), constantly different countries, otherwise just fly to the ban, or in the block. Invited 49–50 people, stopped the script, change the country in the VPN and run again and again 49–50 people, etc.

7. To get more subscribers you can do so: Script, which you downloaded, copy to several folders and separately work with different Scripts. Run the Script for 10 countries, collect 500 users, then move to another folder.

8. A girl I know did it with this Script:

а. She created a group on Telegram. She attracted women from different groups to join the group. They interacted with each other in the group with different interests.
в. She created a channel with a cosmetics shop (she left her affiliate link for each product. Where to get such affiliate links, I wrote in my other article “Earnings on the affiliate program. Step by step instructions. ).
с. In the group, she wrote a post with a link to a channel about cosmetics. She then pinned that post.
That’s how she got a very good passive income. I wish you the same!


In conclusion, I will write a little bit about myself: I live in Ukraine. In a beautiful country in Europe. I used to sell this earnings guide to Russians for $49.90. Ordinary people bought it, even though it was not a small amount of money for them.

After February 24, when Russia attacked my homeland I have no business with these murderers. For me, they are no longer brothers, neighbors, or just not people. The whole world hates Russians.

If you have an extra few dozen dollars in your bitcoin wallet and don’t feel bad about it, here’s my bitcoin wallet:


Or you can use PayPal at checkout. Login PayPal yuracrow@gmail.com

I’m not a pauper. It’s just my hard work to find information and write this guide. And every hard work should be rewarded. I think so.

P.S. I live in Ukraine. I am not a crook. I can send you a copy of my Ukrainian passport by mail or Telegram.

Satoshi — because our banks often do not work. And I am afraid that I will not get anything at all. We can steadily exchange only bitcoins (satoshi)? Or PayPal.

Here are my contacts if you need them:
https://t.me/Crow0808 Or search for @Crow0808

My best wishes to Yurii (Writer’s pseudonym: Mathvey).

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