Telegram vs Slack, What’s best for your online community? – Best Telegram

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Telegram vs Slack, What’s best for your online community?

How Many Users Are There (MAU, DAU)?

Screenshot of Google Trends

Supergroups, Replies, Threads & Workspaces

Screenshot of Work In Progress community in Telegram
Screenshot of Maker’s Kitchen community in Slack

User Experience

Cross-Platform Support


Paywall/Membership Plugins

What Do Experts Think?

To me Telegram feels like a scooter. Lightweight. Easy to use. Quick. Slack is more like a bus. More robust, great for groups, but not as agile.

For me Slack is something that requires your full attention. It’s not something you do on the side. Which is fine for some use cases, but with WIP I didn’t want to build a community where people are chatting 24/7. The focus is on the work, so a more lightweight solution like Telegram, regardless of its shortcomings, felt like a better fit.

Slack is a great tool, but Telegram is more fun. It feels more connected, less business-y, allows to build bots easily and has stickers packs.

I started Women Make on Telegram for several reasons. Firstly I was a big fan of the platform which I discovered through wip chat. Then I use Slack for work and didn’t want to mix the two. Slack makes me feel overwhelmed, when I see a message I feel like I need to take care of it immediately. And it seems very slow compared to Telegram.

I wanted something easy to use where you could just drop in and engage with people in the chat if you want to.

Slack and Telegram both offer an incredible amount of control for developers. This allows us to build apps and bots on top of their platform to facilitate our own products. Telegram offers a simpler way of creating bots when compared to Slack. Telegram’s Botfather system allows devs to take out the time required to build a bot from scratch. However, slack’s wider control over the webhook messages, such as the message format, custom buttons, etc make it fun to build micro-programs inside a workspace. While Telegram is already a mobile messaging system, Slack was primarily built for workspace communication. This gives Telegram an advantage over the existing user base that’s more mobile-centric. When we started out Maker’s Kitchen, we got a couple of messages requesting us to expand the community to Telegram solely because they already use the app. My take is that, if your goal is to build a community, both options are very applicable but it comes down to accessibility. If you want to take advantage of Slack’s workspace app ecosystem within your workspace, that’s your best option. If you want to make use of Telegram’s existing user base and build bots for your community fast, that’ll be your best bet.

I prefer Slack because it feels much more focused and organized. You have channels and threads that keep the conversation tidy. Second, the amount of integrations available for Slack is massive — there’s a huge selection of apps to pick from. Finally, scale. Slack scales well to handle big groups and notification settings are available.


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