Telegram Groups – The only guide you need (2022)

Hey there! Bored of the old Whatsapp groups? Well, since that is something you have been using for a long, here are Telegram Groups to your aid.

Telegram Groups are more interesting, more useful, more secure, and more engaging and can help you in creating a larger community that you can’t on Whatsapp.

This is exactly what separates Telegram from Whatsapp. There are a lot of things that you will find awesome about the Telegram Group rather than the Whatsapp group.

In this article, we’ll explain what are Telegram Groups and how it stands in an era where global mobility and chatbots are important. We’ll also help you decide between Public Telegram Groups and Private Telegram Groups, and understand the differences between Telegram Group and Channel.

You’ll learn how to create groups on Telegram, add new members with a Telegram Group invite link, and use Telegram Group features.

What is Telegram?

Telegram is a cloud-based instanchip-usa.comssaging app that can be treated as an alternative to WhatsApp. Ever since its launch, Telegram has gained attraction and its user base has also expanded massively. You can use Telegram as a simple app for a one-to-one chat or even as a broadcasting tool. However, Telegram also supports group interaction using channels and groups.

Telegram Groups Basics

Telegram Group Chat does have one specific benefit over WhatsApp groups though – the Telegram Group limit is 200,000 people. We’ve never participated in a group this size, but we imagine it is quite the experience.

Getting a Telegram group to that size isn’t an easy feat and do you even want 200,000 people in your group? To help you moderate your group to the right size, Telegram offers both Public Telegram Groups and Private Telegram Groups.

What are Telegram Groups Used For

With so many different options and configurations, using Telegram Groups for business is possible in almost any situation. In general, Telegram Group Chats can be used internally or externally.

Internally you’re more likely to use a private Telegram group. If you’re in a country where Telegram is not so popular, Telegram groups could be a great way to separate your work and private life, especially in a country where Telegram is not so popular.

You can use Telegram groups for teams, projects & more. For example, you’re an educational institution and run workshops on how to write a good essay. Telegram groups are great for sharing information, discussing, and organizing meetups.

Private Telegram Groups vs Public Telegram Groups

There are a few key differences between private Telegram groups and public Telegram groups. These differences revolve around how to find the group and who can invite people to the group.

In private Telegram Groups, only the creator of the group or an admin can invite people to the group directly. Telegram groups also have invite links that begin with Only the creator or an admin has access to the Telegram link.

As you would expect, Telegram Private Groups cannot be found with an in-app search. The group is private, after all.

Public Telegram groups are the polar opposite. They make it as easy as possible to get more users in the groups so that you can use the 200,000 member limit fully. You can use Telegram’s in-app search to find public Telegram groups.

Plus, the Telegram Group invite link is available to all members of the group. That way any member of the group can share the link somewhere on the internet to grow the group.

Public Telegram Groups also can personalize their chat shortcode to make it more attractive to click and get even more members. More on this later.

Telegram Group vs Channel

Telegram Group vs Channel
Telegram Channels and Groups

What is the difference between a Telegram Group and Telegram Channel? Although Telegram Groups & Telegram Channels have very similar features, they have been designed with different purposes in mind.

Telegrams Channels let you disseminate information to a broad audience. But if you’re looking for interaction with your audience, you should go for Telegram Group.

On the other hand, Telegram Groups let you run polls and straight-up ask the audience what they think. Your audience will give you feedback and maybe even transform that idea into something you never even considered!

In some ways, the question of Telegram Groups or Telegram Channels is a false question because if you’re using Telegram properly, you should be using both. And the best way to use both is to link Telegram Groups to Telegram Channels.

Linking Telegram Groups To Telegram Channels

No matter who your audience is, you’re going to have people that are just looking to receive information and those who actually want to participate in a discussion. Telegram allows you to facilitate both of these needs.

When you link a Telegram Group to your Telegram Channel, all the messages you post in your Telegram Channel will be auto-posted in the Telegram Group. This means with a public Telegram channel, you can send out updates to everyone who wants to hear them.

Then, you can link a private Telegram Group where you can invite the power users who wish to receive actual feedback. That way, you’ll have the best of both worlds, Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels.

To create a discussion Telegram Group for your Telegram Channel, navigate to Info > Edit > Discussion > Create New Group.

Getting Started with Telegram Groups

Create a Telegram Group

In this section, you’ll learn how to create Telegram Groups, invite Contacts to a Telegram Group and generate a Telegram Group invite link.

How to Create a Telegram Group

Creating a Telegram Group is easy. In Chats, press the compose button just above search. Then instead of composing a new message, you create a Telegram group by pressing on New Group.

Once you’ve chosen a name for your group, it’s to add some new members. There are two main ways to add Telegram Group members. You can invite your contacts or create a link to let them join the Telegram Group.

Inviting Contacts to a Telegram Group

The easiest way to add members to your Telegram Group is to invite people from your contact list. If you’re looking for a way to create a group with friends and family, this is your go-to choice.

To add phone contacts, navigate to Info > Add Member.

If you’re looking to invite more than just your friends, if you’d like to grow a Telegram Group to epic proportions, you can use a Telegram Group invite link. Telegram Links always start with

How to share the Telegram link? Once you’ve created a Telegram Group invite link you can post it on other Telegram groups, on social media, on your website, and anywhere else you can think of.

If you have a Telegram Public Group, you’ll be able to customize the invite link. This is something you can’t do with a private Telegram Group. However, you can always use a URL shortener. To find the invite link navigate to Info > Subscribers > Invite link. Telegram IPTV

If you’re the Telegram group owner and want to share it with other people, you can send them the invitation link. Here is how to send them the link to join:

1. Open the Telegram group where you’re the administrator.

2. Click on the name of the group at the top of the screen.

3. Select “Add member,” and then “Invite to Group via Link.”

4. Select “Copy Link” or “Share Link” depending on how you want to forward the link.

If you change your mind, you can select the “Revoke Link” option. This will disable the existing link, and everyone who has it won’t be able to join the group anymore.

If you need to copy the link to the group you’re in but don’t own, follow steps 1 and 2 and then long-press the “Invite Link” of the group to copy.

Managing Telegram Groups

Telegram provides a ton of features for managing a Telegram group. To make them easier to digest, we’ve separated these features into categories: member acquisition, administration, organization, and sanity features.

Telegram Groups Admin Features

Since Telegram groups can grow as large as 200,000 people, you’ll need help managing those groups. Luckily Telegram has provided a ton of features that enable to you add admins, customize permissions, and even see a list of recent administrator actions.

Adding Telegram Group Admins & Managing Admin Permissions

Adding Telegram Group admins is going to help you police a group of 200,000 members. The fantastic thing about Telegram Group admins is you can restrict their permissions. You’ll be able to choose if your Telegram Group admins can:

  • Change group info
  • Delete messages
  • Ban users
  • Invite users via links
  • Pin messages
  • Add new admins

These settings can be set individually. So if you want to bring a new admin to go around banning users, you can do that.

To add an admin navigate to Info > Edit > Administrators > Add Admin. To manage admin permissions navigate to Info > Edit > Administrators > Select The Admin > Toggle Permissions.

Telegram Groups Admin Recent Actions

With such granular permissions and the ability to add so many admins, you may worry that admins can take over your Telegram Group and you’ll have no idea what they’re doing. Surprise, surprise Telegram has already thought about this.

By checking Recent Actions, you’ll be able to see a complete log of all the changes that admins have made on the Telegram Group. Recent Actions is a Telegram Group changelog. To access recent actions go to Info > Administrators > Recent Actions.

Telegram Groups Member Permissions

Now I bet you think that Telegram group admin permissions are juicy, that is just the tip of the iceberg because Telegram Groups also have granular member permissions. In a Telegram Group, you can choose if members have permission to:

  • Send messages
  • Send media
  • Send stickers and gifs
  • Embed links
  • Send polls
  • Add members
  • Pin messages
  • Change group info

With all these options, there is no doubt you can get your Telegram Group running just the way you like it.

It’s incredible that like admins, you can add exceptions and give individual Telegram Group members more or fewer permissions than other members.

To change member permissions navigate to Info > Edit > Permissions. To add or remove permission exceptions navigate to exceptions at the bottom of the permissions page. There you can choose individual members and change their permissions settings.

Telegram Groups Organizational Features

The potential for massive Telegram Group sizes where users can chachip-usa.comans it’s going to be relatively easy to lose valuable info in the chat history.

To help you with organizing and sifting through this information, Telegram has provided the ability to search for text, differentiate between types of shared media and pin messages to the top of the Telegram Group.

Telegram Groups Search Function

If you remember a snippet of text that you need, search for it. Telegram makes it easy to navigate up and down the chat history whenever that snippet was mentioned.

To search for a message click on the Telegram Group’s name. Click on the magnifying glass, then enter the text you’d like to search for.

Telegram Groups Shared Media

Shared media is my favorite way to search for the important stuff in a Telegram Group chat. Nine out of ten chip-usa.coms when I’m looking for something, it’s a link.

Telegram Group shared media lets you see all the media, links, docs, and audio that have been shared in the group without searching through the entire chat history. To browse through Telegram Group shared media, navigate to Info> Shared Media.

Telegram Groups Pinned Messages

Somechip-usa.coms a message is so important, or so funny, that you want everyone in the Telegram Group to be able to see it. You can do that by pinning the message to the top of the Telegram Group.

To pin a message, click and hold the message you want to pin > pin.

Telegram Groups Sanity Features

We’ve discussed a bunch of features for managing a Telegram Group, but somechip-usa.coms you need a break. To help, Telegram offers the ability to mute Telegram Groups.

Muting a Telegram Group

If you’re frustrated and need to mute a Telegram Group you can do that quickly.

To mute the Telegram Group, click on the Telegram Group’s name > click on the bell.

Granular Telegram Group Notification Options

If you want to take a short break from a Telegram Group, Telegram gives you the ability to mute Telegram Groups for an hour or two days.

To manage Telegram Group notification settings, navigate to Info > Notifications and select how long you’d like notifications to be muted. These options are useful when you need to get away from the group for a while but not forever.

How to Find and Join Groups on Telegram

Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app with the option for end-to-end encryption.

You can use Telegram to send messages with just a few people, or with groups of up to 200,000 members. 

There are three ways to join a group. One is by clicking on a link. The second is by finding and joining a specific group. The third is by using the online aggregator to find and join a public telegraph group.

1. To start, you must already have a Telegram account. You can join a group either from the app or on a desktop program.

2. When somebody sends you a link, click on it. It will start with

3. The link will open in your Telegram app. Tap on “Join Group” to join it.

In order to find and join a public group, you don’t need an invitation. Of course, the invitation system works, but it is not as essential as for private groups.

To discover a public group, just use the search function of Telegram:

1. From the app’s home screen, tap the magnifying glass icon located at the top right.

2. Type in the name of a media outlet, organization, personality, brand, or a topic of your choice.

3. Public groups appear under Global Search.

4. Select the group of your choice and tap on it.

5. Once you are in the group, tap on the sidebar at the top of the chat window.

6. Press Join Channel.

Public groups and Telegram channels are shown in the results. In order to distinguish them, remember that a public group displays a number of “members” while a channel displays a number of “subscribers” under their respective names.

How to find and join a public Telegram group via online aggregators

Telegram’s search function can become limited quickly. You will discover that many sites do offer comparisons and selections of the best Telegram groups, also known as a “directory”.

Personally, I find such sites to be rather obscure, the content is almost never useful or verified, being content mines that they are.

Telegram offers a dedicated page on its official website that allows you to explore groups and channels based on several categories. You can also search by name, description, or keywords.

As explained earlier, there are many unofficial alternatives out there, with one of the best-known being, but bear in mind that they are just aggregators. The selections are not verified and you can very well end up in a group full of scammers.

Since we are on the Internet which is mostly populated by humans (and fewer bots), there are inevitably many pornographic groups and channels. I came across a sub-reddit with a name that sounded very official, but it was exclusively fed by posts from Telegram groups for Onlyfans, etc. I’m not saying it’s bad or unhelpful, just that searching for a Telegram group or channel can end up yielding pretty random results.

There are also Telegram channels that promote other groups and channels, but almost all of them charge admins, so I’m not very inclined to recommend them here. I also remember a bot @tchannelsbot that was super useful and acted like a “directory”, but it hasn’t been active since 2017 and I haven’t found a good alternative.

How to Grow Telegram Group Members?

After evaluating and analyzing the trend and algorithms of Telegram Group, I have come up with a bunch of techniques and tricks to increase a Telegram channel’s subscribers.

#1. Create a Brand Image

Create a Brand Image

A brand image means a unique identity of the existence of your offerings.

You need a brand image for your Telegram Group so that people can identify your group as a separate entity.

Branding your image includes-

Selecting a Topic – Covering a certain topic will help you to distinguish your group from other groups, plus, attract a separate targeted base of audience.

You should select a topic which you like and according to the trend and needs of people.

Brand Name – You have to make a distinct yet relevant brand name for your Telegram Group so that people can identify it’s you and what you’re providing to them.

A Telegram name should be easy to understand and related to your topic.

Brand Logo – Well it’s on you whether you want to create a unique logo for your channel or not.

If you ask me, A good brand image is very helpful in differentiating and improving your Telegram Group reputation over your competitors.

Description – Telegram offers a space to describe the purpose of the Group and what it’s offering.

It impacts the interest of the audience in reaching your Group.

So you should make it relevant and attractive so that people tend to hit the Join button of your group.

#2. Offer Quality, Relevant and Consistent Content

One thing on which we all can agree – is “Content is King“. That is why it is important to provide quality content to your Telegram Group.

All the other points won’t work effectively to increase Telegram Group members if you ignore this point. It directly affects the growth of your Telegram Group members.

If you’re providing quality unique content that is high in demand and no other channel is offering, then there is no other reason for people to not join your group.

Every Telegram Group Owner should keep in mind the need of people who are reaching your channel.

Think like a normal person yourself once, for example, if you need cute dog pics and you go to a Group named “CuteDogPicsWorld”, then you might join that channel if it posts a lot of cute dog pics daily.

If the content on the group isn’t relevant to its name like it’s providing “Technology News” instead of dog pics, you’ll jump out of that group as you feel click baited. The same goes for your channel too.

Another thing is that you need to be very consistent while posting your content. You should schedule the posts at a nice pace and period.

Minimum 2-3 posts daily are required if you’re busy with any other work. There is no maximum limit though.

#3. Use Images, Videos And Avoid Copyrighted Content

Visual content is very easy to understand and presents large information in a compact form. You should add images or videos in your posts or in some of the posts wherever it’s possible.

Do not post a ton of content without any visual appeal with it. Dry, only text posts cannot attract your subscribers to engage in it.

They might leave the channel which is salt on the wounds if you know what I’m trying to say here.

If you have written content that you can’t visualize in every post, just use visuals in some of them to make your group chat appealing and interesting.

#4. Share On Social Media

Share group On Social Media

It is important that your group should appear to the general audience. Not everyone is going to search for what you offer in the Telegram search bar.

People like to scroll through social media to see the content they don’t ask for. So if anybody likes your content there, they will surely go to check what more you offer.

You should share the most prominent and leading content from your group to the social media platforms to grow your Telegram group community from external sources.

Social Media Promotion of Telegram Group includes the following Techniques-

1. Creating separate pages and channels on other social media platforms with the same branding. And sharing your posts there too.

2. Joining Facebook or any other social media groups related to your topic and spreading the word of your channels there.

3. Moreover, Providing solutions in the comments to the problems people ask on social media is also a nice way to attract curious visitors. NOTE: DON’T BE SPAMMY HERE.

4. Follow the Trends, for example, if any hashtag is trending on Twitter related to your channel niche or topic. You should Tweet with that hashtag to express your opinion with your channel link.

#5. Collaborate With Other Telegram Group

As I have mentioned at the start, Telegram is one of the fastest-growing platforms right now. It holds now more than 100,000 channels about different topics.

You’re not the only one who started a group here, there are many other people trying to achieve the same objective as you.

So why don’t you do it with them? Yes, I’m telling you to shake hands with the other group owners. You can work with other groups to achieve a common objective, i.e., gaining followers.

This might sound silly but this is the most effective external method to grow your channel on Telegram.

Most of the big Telegram groups use this technique to boost their subscriber count and expand their community.

It is mainly a paid technique but I can tell you how to do this without spending a single buck. So follow these steps to do so.

1. First, You need to create a small audience base, 100 subscribers can get the work done.

2. Now find the Telegram group that has nearly the same no. of subscribers as you have.

3. Approach the admins of those channels and convince them to promote your channel on theirs. Offer them promotion back from your Telegram group.

4. As a small channel like yours, they will like to accept your offer and thus, you both can mutually promote and help each other.

You should also try for the group that has a much more subscriber base. They also might be convinced by your offer despite a small audience base.

#6. Answer Queries On Public Forums

quora & reddit

People ask many general queries on public forums like Quora, Reddit, and Tumblr which might be a good opportunity for you to gain a confused audience.

Just find questions related to your Telegram group topic, provide a detailed answer and put a small link to promote your group on Telegram and improve its growth.

Remember, you should add quality answers and solutions so that they can get ranked higher than other answers, which ultimately means more exposure and future channel members.

You answer and solve the problems of people on these forums, and in return, they will visit your group and might join it too.

If you want to quickly increase your group members, then this batch add Telegram group members tutorial will be for you.

How To Earn Money from Telegram Group


Telegram doesn’t pay for channels or groups themselves, there is no monetization program inside it. However, in late 2020 it was announced that Telegram monetization will be launched any soon. The messenger is planning on introducing ads in the public channels.

But even without an official monetization opportunity, Telegram is one of the most popular platforms for advertising. People already make thousands of dollars per month by selling their products, services, or ads on Telegram channels.

#1 Sell your services and products

Whether you are an affiliate seller (Amazon, Aliexpress, Flipkart) or you have your own brand, you can always promote your products and services to a large audience registered in Telegram and get new clients via this social platform. 

It’s basically the same as running social media (Facebook, Instagram), but you have a much higher engagement rate. The view rate in Telegram channels can be around 30%, while it’s lower than 10% on other social platforms. Telegram is a content-oriented platform, so to be on top of the business, you need to think about the needs of your users and give top-notch content to please them.

As a bonus, your followers get constant notifications on your updates by default. No need to set notifications manually in the app. Ichip-usa.comans users won’t miss your offers, news, updates, discounts, etc.

Of course, the more members you have in the channel, the higher chances you have to get new clients online and make money on Telegram. Don’t forget Telegram is a new marketing tool and there is a solid chance to face a lower level of competition.

You can even automate the sales process with bots. Telegram bots can help you to make money with fewer efforts – collect and process orders, get contact numbers from users, accept payments, inform about special offers, give instant cuschip-usa.comr support, consult users, schedule appointments, etc. Gladly, the basic functionality of Telegram bot builders is free.

If you don’t have any products or services to sell, then consider the most popular ideas for Telegram channel monetization: sell educational, marketing, or consulting services; join affiliate programs on Amazon, Aliexpress, Flipkart, Udemy, or another platform to create a niche store (electronics, clothes, shoes, books, etc). Put some effort and watch Telegram’s earnings grow.

#2 Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

A lot of people who are using Telegram as a user, or subscribers of other channels don’t know how much the owner of these channels earns monthly from Amazon Affiliate Marketing. It takes only a few seconds to create a unique link and paste it on Telegram. It will be unfair to tell other users’ income. So I will only discuss my last month’s income from Telegram.

As you all know I have been doing ‘Laptop Review‘ on this website for the last few months. So to start Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Telegram, I didn’t want to take any risk. So last two months ago I had created a new account on Amazon Affiliate.

At that I had confusion in my mind probably Amazon will suspend my account due to direct link sharing on Telegram. But fortunately, my account got approved. Now I have been sharing Amazon links on Telegram daily 30-40 and easily earning 200 on average a day.

So I would like to suggest you if you want to start your journey on Telegram then apply to Amazon Affiliate and create an account. You just have to complete 3 sales within 6 months to be eligible. It is very easy to complete 3 sales within 6 months if you have a few numbers of subscribers. Once you complete it, Amazon Affiliate Team will verify your account and check whether you are applicable or not. To know more about it please watch the video.

There are a few things that you have to do to keep your account safe.

How To Keep Account Safe

1. Don’t share the link directly on WhatsApp, Messenger, or direcchip-usa.comssage.

2. Don’t buy a product through your own link.

3. If you are a YouTuber or Blogger then don’t make any content that violates amazon policy.

There are a lot of other factors available, you can check these here.

#3 Join Online Earn Money Groups

Through Online Earn Money Telegram Groups you can earn money online easily. Here in this post, we collected many online Earning Telegram Channels which you can join and earn money easily.

If you are a Telegram user and have basic information about telegram so there is no doubt that you can earn money online easily. There are many ways to earn money on Telegram but you should be focused on any one of them that you like best.

Furthermore, to solve this problem that How a Telegram Member Make Money Online we collected these Earn Money Telegram Group Links where you can find many online earning methods and tricks, you can also frequently ask questions about your problems with other groups members in these Telegram Groups.

How to Join Online Earn Money Groups

l Select any Earn Money Telegram Group/Channel from the list given below.

l Then click on the given “Link“.

l You will be redirected to Telegram.

l Here click on the “Join” button.

l Congratulation! you’ve joined the group.

List of Earn Money Telegram Groups

· Online Money – Link

· Earn Money Online – Link

· Free Deals – Link

· Paytm Offer – Link

· Online Earning – Link

· Tech Earning Online BD – Link

· Money Making Tools – Link

· Paytm Best Offers – Link

· Instagram Telegram Group Links

· Earning Bazzar – Link

· Quiz Wheel – Link

· Online earning – Link

· Learn To Earn – Link

· Ashvinzala – Link

· Vaidpure Free Plan Lunch – Link

· Earn Money Online with Proofs – Link

· Sports Telegram Group Links


· Earning Unlimited – Link

· Easy Earning Tips – Link

· Top Earners online – Link

· Daily Earning – Link

· YouTube Subscribe & Earn – Link

· Ways$ To $Earn – Link

· English Telegram Group Links

· Smart Predictions – Link

· Online earning 2022 – Link

· Otani VIP Earning Group – Link

· Online Paisa Kamaye✅ – Link

· Oneto11 ✔ – Link

· Youtube Help zone & Earning tricks – Link

· Sneha Earning – Link

· Bitcoin Telegram Group Links

· Google Pay-Go India Tickets – Link

· Fast Self Earning Tricks –Link

· Make Millions Online – Link

· Online Earning Without Investment – Link

· PayTM Loot Offers Discussion – Link

· RXCE – Online Earning Group 2 –Link

#4 Sell ads

Posting ads and paid posts in your Telegram channel or group is one of the most popular ways of Telegram monetization. If you have more than 50k members, you can easily sell any promotional posts with links to other Telegram channel owners. Usually, the price of advertising depends on a few factors: duration of promo and number of channel members.

Prices can range somewhere between 1-48 hours long promo publication. The shorter – the small price – the smaller effect for the client. Most Telegram channel or group owners aim for 24 hours long publications, so it’s better to make your price for this duration the most attractive.

The same math works for the number of channel/group members. The more subscribers you have, the higher price you can charge. You can easily earn up to $500-700 per month by promoting other channels and products. But to get that result your channel has to have good content, so your members and followers will be engaged with the content you publish. The most popular Telegram channels earn a few thousand dollars online per month by selling paid posts with links to other channels.

#5 Paid Subscription

Sell the access to premium or valuable content to your users. It usually works that way – you have a public channel to get a large base of followers and a private channel with premium content. Access to the private channel is allowed by the special link to members who pay subscription fees regularly. This way you can charge people monthly and get a constant source of income. Popular examples of Telegram channel monetization by subscription: betting tips for sports (cricket, soccer, etc), trading channels with signals (Forex, Crypto), educational resources (materials for exams like IELTS, online courses).

There are services like InviteMember that allow you to automate your Telegram paid subscription business with their Membership Bot Platform. You can accept payments through various payment gateways right inside your Telegram Channel/Group and let the Bot handle your memberships and other tedious tasks.

#6 Link Shortener

There are thousands of Telegram channels that provide downloadable content such as movies, songs, books, web series, etc. Link shortener is a great idea to earn money from Telegram.

You can shorten those download links through any link shorteners. Whenever your subscriber will click the link to download the content then the link shortener will show some ads before he can download the material.

You will be paid every your subscribers watch a video.

Just look at this Telegram Channel. It has almost 4 million subscribers. Just imagine if they post a link and even 10% of subscribers will click to download it then the number will be 40000.

If we calculate even $0.10 (which is the least) per click then the total income will be $4000. If they post 10 links per month then the monthly income will be $40000.

Here are some best link shortener websites that you can try.

  • Linkvertise
  • Shrinkearn
  • Shrinkme
  • Clk
  • AdPayLink
  • Smoner
  • Uii
  • Shrtfly
  • Cutwin
  • Adshrink

There are many other link shortening websites that pay you. You can check them out too and signup which pays best.

#7 Sell your group

That’s right! If you have enough members in your Telegram group, you can sell it to someone else. Set a good price and make cash by transferring your ownership to your potential client. After that, you can go and create another group, grow it… and sell it again! That’s a whole different business on Telegram. Income from one group can be easily from $50 to $5000. The more members you have with a good engagement rate, the higher price of the group can be.

WhatsApp/Telegram Group Rules/Guidelines

There is no denying the fact that Whatsapp /Telegram has transformed the way we communicate with friends and family. No matter where in the world they are, it simplifies how we converse with them. It’s like a virtual get-together.

WhatsApp and Telegram Group

Though there are so many benefits associated with using Whatsapp,/Telegram unfortunately it also brings along its own set of problems. By this I mean, posting messages the entire day, making stachip-usa.comnts that are offensive, sending videos that use a lot of data, online stalking, etc.  It is a nuisance to constantly hear the notification sound of a particular group even during the end of the night and disturb our sleep.

The following 15 points can save lots of WhatsApp /Telegram headaches to the Members and ADMINS if followed strictly by all the members...

  1. Respect the purpose and objective of each group. A “WhatsApp/Telegram workgroup” shouldn’t be used to send messages or content of a personal nature, as well as groups of friends and family shouldn’t be used for business purposes. That’s what direcchip-usa.comssages are for.
  2. Don’t use groups just to send memes, videos, pictures, and news, without reading and reacting to the content shared by others. The purpose of WhatsApp/Telegram groups is to establish collective conversations with others, but when you only place content, but never read or interact, the existence of such groups loses its purpose. No one likes monologues.
  3. Never send content, information, or “news” that HASN’T been verified. Placing content whose authenticity has not been definitively proven can be VERY dangerous and harm many people. WhatsApp/Telegram is infested with flies and it’s better to put a stop to them than to be guilty of spreading them.
  4. If you feel uncomfortable in a group for any reason, feel free to leave or “mute” the notifications. It’s better to be criticized for leaving than for always complaining.
  5. Before sending a complaint to a group, identify the “administrator” and share your thoughts with him/her.
  6. Don’t get angry if someone doesn’t respond to your messages in a group. No one is obliged to do so. Better send him/her a direcchip-usa.comssage.
  7. Before sending a video, picture, meme, or any content, analyze if such material will be in the interest of the majority of the members of the group.
  8. When forwarding a message, picture, or video and you’re choosing multiple recipients, avoid sending it to all your groups, since hardly the same content will be suitable or of interest to all.
  9. Unless it’s a thematic group on politics or religion, avoid placing such content, since hardly all will have the same religious beliefs or political preferences. Avoid unnecessary debates.
  10. Unless tolerated by all, avoid sending any content that is violent or pornographic. It’s common for “only men groups” (or women) to circulate inappropriate content, but it’s important to ALWAYS keep in mind that many people may feel uncomfortable, especially when the content affects someone’s reputation.
    Don’t be overly keen to reply quickly just for the sake of making conversation or showing your presence.  If someone poses a question and you don’t know the answer then just say you don’t know. In most cases, there will be someone who knows the answer. 
  11. When replying to a specific comment from a person, use the “reply” function to make sense of your comment and avoid confusion.
  12. When noticing that you’re having a dialogue with a single member of the group, consider changing the conversation to a direcchip-usa.comssage, because the rest of the group may not be interested in reading your conversation with another person.
  13. Keep in mind that your words can be interpreted in multiple ways, so use short sentences that can’t be misinterpreted.
    For school and workgroups, do not poschip-usa.comssages between 21h00 in the evening and 06h30 in the morning. Avoid posting over weekends, this might be invasive unless, of course, it is a matter of urgency.
  14. 14. Don’t abuse emojis. There are some like this ? or ? that don’t require explanation, but others like this ? or ? can be interpreted in different ways and generate confusion.
  15. 15. Avoid sending videos or files that are very large, since nobody likes to saturate the memory of their smartphone or waste their data/internet plan on nonsense.

Telegram Groups FAQ

How many groups can I join on Telegram?

Telegram has a limit of 500 supergroups per account. This is the limit of Telegram API, not the client. The private group doesn’t count, as I can still create a new one, despite the limitations.

How can I find like-minded people on Telegram?

There are three ways to find the Telegram group you are interested in. One is by clicking on a link. The second is by finding and joining a specific group. The third is by using an online aggregator to find and join a public telegraph group. Please consult this guide for details on how to do this.

What is the benefit of the Telegram group?

You can use the Telegram group to increase sales, make additional profit from ads, increase brand awareness, enhance cuschip-usa.comr service, etc. One of the main benefits of Telegram channels is the capacity to have an unlimited number of members and subscribers. For instance, WhatsApp groups allow 200-2500 users to join.

Is there a limit on Telegram group members?

Since Telegram groups can have up to 200,000 members, Telegram groups support replies, mentions and hashtags that help maintain order and keep communication in large communities efficient. You can appoint admins with advanced tools to help these communities prosper in peace.

Why is there a limit in Telegram?

Just like any other service, Telegram uses limits to ensure that users follow Fair Usage Policy and to keep the service running.

Where’s the recent actions in Telegram groups?

Tap on Group Name > Tap on Edit Icon > Adminstrators > You can See Option for Recent Actions ~ For Telegram
Tap On Group Name > Tap On Edit Icon > You can See Option for Recent Actions ~ For Telegram X

Ten articles before and after


Telegram Guide: How to Extract group members and bulk invite them

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