Telegram CLI Cheatsheet. Telegram CLI is basically full-blown… – Best Telegram

Telegram CLI Cheatsheet


  • Preamble
  • Useful Information
  • Commands


telegram-cli -e "<command>"
telegram-cli -W -e "<command>"
telegram-cli --json -W -e "<command>"
telegram-cli -h

Useful Information

Peer Type Nomenclature

  • Users and bots are referred to as users
  • Basic groups are referred to as chats
  • Supergroups and channels are referred to as channels

Upgrade from Basic Group to Supergroup

How To Specify a Peer

  • The display name of the peer with spaces replaced by underscores
  • The username of the peer (if available) with a leading @
channel_info Crypto_Bay_Toronto
channel_info @cryptobayto
  • If you use the username, then you must prepend an @
  • If you use the display name, the capitalisation matters (that is, crypto_bay_toronto would not work)
user_info <TAB><TAB>
user_info @<TAB><TAB>

List of Commands


List the most recent conversations

dialog_list [limit]

Send a message to a user, bot, group, or channel

msg <peer> <text>
"Hi there, how are you?"
'Hi there, how are you?'
Hi there, how are you?
msg @santa "Hi Santa,\n\nThanks for the presents.\n\nBest,\nDaniel"
Hi Santa,Thanks for the presents.Best,

Get message history with a user, bot, group, or channel

history <peer> [limit]

Basic Groups, Supergroups, and Channels

Join a supergroup or channel via their username

resolve_username <username>
channel_join @<username>
> resolve_username theprogrammingart
The Art of Programming
> channel_join The_Art_of_Programming

Join a basic group via an invite link

import_chat_link <link>
import_channel_link Gx1BvRIu_lGsZE4A21EwRQ

Join a supergroup or channel via an invite link

import_channel_link <link>

Create an invite link for a basic group

export_chat_link <peer>

Create an invite link for a supergroup or channel

export_channel_link <peer>

Get Info

Get the display name belonging to a username

resolve_username <username>

Get information about a user or bot

user_info <peer>

Get information about a basic group

chat_info <peer>

Get information about a supergroup or channel

channel_info <peer>

Get information about the logged-in user



Print help

help [command]

Print version of Telegram CLI




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