Telegram Blocked, Block User And Telegram Group. This is the easy way.. – Telegram Tips

Table of Contents, a chat application in general, Telegram also provides an account block feature. Telegram blocked you can use to block accounts that like to interfere.

If you don’t want to be in touch with someone on a social networking app, you can take advantage of the telegram blocked feature to avoid unnecessary communication or if someone has disturbed your peace.

For the sake of convenience, you are free to block accounts that make you uncomfortable. With the telegram blocked feature, you are free to control who can contact you via telegram.

Actually, the telegram blocked feature has been around for a long time. Maybe some Telegram users have never tried to use this block feature. So many do not know how to activate this feature.

For those who don’t know how to use the Telegram blocked feature, we will share how to block Telegram user accounts. Let’s look at the following reviews!!!

Telegram Blocked Group And Personal

It is possible that you have someone you are avoiding. It could be an old acquaintance or maybe your ex, unknown person and so on who contacted via the telegram application.

Usually Telegram users will be able to find their account, if your cellphone number is saved in their contacts or your friend’s number is saved in your phone contacts.

If one of you saves a cell phone number, then you will be able to connect via telegram.

If you don’t save each other’s contacts but can find the telegram accounts of my friends or acquaintances, it can be found in group chats or global searches.

Whatever the reason, if you feel uncomfortable, you just have to use the Telegram blocked feature.

How to Block Other User Accounts

To block another user’s account, the method is very easy. You can follow these steps:

  1. Open the telegram app
  2. On the main menu, press and hold the chat from the telegram account you want to block until a checkmark appears.
  3. If a checkmark appears on the chat user account you want to block, click the three-dot icon at the top of the Telegram menu to display a new menu.
  4. If the new menu has been displayed you can select the block user option.
  5. Click the block user option until a confirmation pop up appears to block the user.
  6. This pop up aims to reconfirm if you really want to block the account.
  7. If you are sure that you want to block the user’s account, click block user.
  8. Wait until the blocking process is complete. Usually at this stage, you will be successful in blocking the user if they are not experiencing connection problems.

How to Block Telegram Groups

If previously you could block other user accounts on Telegram, in Telegram groups you don’t block a group.

If you’ve already been added to a group but you don’t want to join the group, you can only leave the group. Here’s how to leave a telegram group:

  1. Open the telegram app
  2. On the main menu, press and hold the group chat you want to leave until a check mark appears.
  3. If a checkmark appears in the group, click the three-dot icon at the top of the telegram menu to display a new menu.
  4. If the new menu has been displayed you can opt out of the group.
  5. Click the exit group option until a confirmation pop up appears to leave the group.
  6. This pop up aims to reconfirm if you really want to leave the group.
  7. If you are sure that you want to leave the group, click exit group.
  8. Wait until the group exit process is complete. Usually at this stage, you will successfully leave the group and the group chat will be deleted within 5 seconds.

If you have left a Telegram group, you can restrict and prevent accounts from automatically adding you.

You must have been in a group without prior notification, right? Especially if you are part of a trading group or spam.

You can avoid joining a group automatically. You can prevent other accounts from adding you to the group.

By default, any user can be added automatically by other users in a group. In order not to join the group automatically, you can change the telegram settings.

The method is very easy, you just open the settings then select privacy and security then select privacy and channel. It’s up to you who can add you to the “who can add me” group from everybody to my contact.

Thus our review of the blocked telegram. Avoid communication with unnecessary accounts for your convenience. Thank you for stopping by, hopefully it’s useful

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