Rock, Paper, and Scissors in the AI Avatar world – Telegram Group

Rock, Paper, and Scissors in the AI Avatar world

Get to know the level-up version of Rock, paper, and scissors with AI Avatar making the bid in EverlifeAI network. Make a little Fun-earn on the go!

If I were to tell an ‘everyone’s’ anecdote, for anything that you wouldn’t want to settle with a logical conclusion, you’d perhaps want to toss a coin.

Well, if you can’t find a coin to flip? The old-classic Rock, Paper, and Scissors game could remedy your decision to anything you’d want to throw at the amusement of randomness. Overviewing Rock, Paper, and Scissors game; it is an arbitrary zero-sum game played in between two players. The subsequent picture illustrates how RPS works. Rock(closed fist) beats scissors (a partial fist with the index and middle finger extended), paper (an open hand, face down, with fingers together) beats rock, and scissors defeat paper. When choosing the same sign (palm gesture), it’s a tie.

Rules of playing RPS

What if your AI Avatar could play the same old game for you? and while it does, make an earning out of it?

The avatar world: EverLifeAI

EverLife is a virtual network that harnesses on the latest technology in artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, p2p networking, and trustless smart contracts to develop an AI-powered world of avatars representing real-life humans. The immutable avatar earns for you, interacts with others’ avatar, and preserves your legacy forever on the blockchain.

EverLife.AI and RPS are friends!

Rock, Paper, and Scissors is a simple game introduced for the avatar in Everlife network that collates enrolled users to play one on one while placing a corresponding bet to it. The game is programmed in a manner that no avatar follows any pattern in it, which means that you don’t choose the move, it is your avatar that on random chooses a move on your behalf. Hence the outcome of the game is completely arbitrary and does not implement any strategy to win and earn.

Currently, Telegram and Messenger apps are used as a platform to stage the game and receive notification relevant to it. The application acts as a human-avatar virtual interface that helps an avatar owner to disseminate information to it.

The Game Umpire

The requirement for any user to enroll for RPS game mandates minimum 100 EVER (virtual currency) in avatar wallet. The game logic verifies the criteria once the user triggers the enrollment command and only then the user is accepted into the game. Once the avatar commences a game, an amount of 0.5 EVER is escrowed towards the game. The game follows ‘best of three in series’ playoffs for each game, deciding the winner. Once the game ends, the winner is paid 1 EVER (0.5 EVER paid as escrow by each user). There is no response time frame for any single game since the user once enrolls, the avatar takes up the game task in the network. At any given time there are only two players playing each other. As the game ends, two players again are picked at random from the enrolled user register.

Playing RPS on Everlife


Since the game relies upon placing bets, certain rules are introduced into the game flow. Here is the game flow that provides a fair idea of the rules:

User 1, say Nicholas prompts his avatar to RPS game triggers /start command from his Telegram and migrates his wallet to Stellar wallet by /go_live command.

The game logic enrolls Nicholas’s avatar upon verifying his wallet balance (User Wallet Balance > or = to 100 EVER). He receives a message notifying him of successful wallet migration.

To start playing, he types in /start_playing_rpscommand. He receives notification on Successful enrollment to the game.

Avatar enrolling in Rock, Paper, and Scissors game on Telegram.

Nicholas receives a notification informing him of the name of player his avatar will play RPS with. Successively notifies 0.5 EVER paid as escrow.

Nicholas receives another notification informing who between them won the toss to go first.

Nicholas’s avatar makes a move amongst rock, paper or scissors at random, which is notified to both the users and likewise with the user on the other end.

Let’s say in this case, Nicholas’s avatar says paper and User 2’s avatar says rock. Nicholas hence wins the round.

The winner is decided by the game logic and is notified who won each round.

Subsequently, two more rounds are played. If the second round is again won by Nicholas, clearly he becomes the winner with two wins (majority). If he loses in the round two, only in that case the game logic commences round three.

After the announcement of the third round winner in series, the EVER paid as escrow by both the users is transferred to the wallet of the winner.

If all moves of both the participating players in three rounds are identical, it leads to a ‘game tie’, in case of which the amount paid as escrow is returned back to the respective avatar wallets.

The game ends, avatar waits for the next game to commence. Once the game is on, the user is notified.

Tap out!

A user can always choose to opt out of the game. This is accomplished by /stop_playing_rps command triggered by the user that terminates the game and the avatar is unregistered from the player register.

The game rules favor users to have better-earning prospects; at the same time ensures their EverLife wallet interests is secured. Avatar plays continuously to generate earnings based on the chances of strings of wins in the game.

On the other hand, the randomness of the move may not quiet favor a player. It is likely to lose EVER from the avatar wallet in case of losing streaks in the RPS game. In a normal scenario, a player could exhaust all his credit in the wallet which may turn to his disadvantage; however, this does not happen in this case, since the game logic quantifies the avatar wallet balance after every game. The user can continue participation only if the wallet holds 50 EVER at the minimum. Not fulling the criteria results to automatic de-enrollment of the player from the game.

The information on avatar wallet balance can be enquired at any time using /balance.

RPS game in progress

Another case is, the user is auto de-enrolled due to stipulated wallet balance requirement. The user will have to restore mandated balance by adding EVER into his avatar wallet (click here to add balance: Add EVER). Once restored, the user will have to trigger a fresh command /start_playing_rps to enroll as the game does not resume automatically.

The implementation of the interesting concept of RPS into EverLife network is focused to engage people into practical applications of the network, demonstrate how AI avatar could be an integral part of life, earn for you and store your legacy; thanks to Alex Roy, founder and CEO of Everlife.AI for having brought a new perspective in leveraging technology to upscale the quality of life. ‘ The immutable avatar on blockchain lives on forever! The avatar imbibes values and skills from your responses and interaction through time, analyses your preferences, networks with your close circle, starts earning online for you and your loved ones, and learns your decision patterns. The concept connects to people transcendentally as the avatar stays alive on the network even after you and retains all of your knowledge at any given time in the future. Given an instance: One day in your absence, your immortal avatar might reach out to your latter generations like you’d personally speak to them! ’

Everlife.AI hosts its own online forum to insight more into its developments and discuss it with enthusiasts. Join the forum here!

EverLife is helping people create immutable avatar to preserve their legacies forever!

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