How To Change your Profile Pic in

Your Strava profile is like any other social network, it is a limited amount of data that sums you up as an athlete. It should be accurate and it should change as you grow as an athlete as well as tell the world a little about how you are and what you do. As we change all the time, knowing how to edit your profile in Strava is something we all need to know how to do. This tutorial will show you how.

How To Change your Profile Pic in Strava

You can add as much or as little data to your Strava profile as you like but the more information, the better. That’s especially true if you’re into the more social aspects of the app as well as the data tracking. While this is no Facebook, the social side of Strava is well worth participating in, if only to find new ride or run buddies. Having an up to date profile, is part of that.

Here’s how to change the various profile elements in Strava. I use the website to make changes so these instructions reflect that.

Change your profile pic in Strava

Your profile pic is important but not vital in Strava. It isn’t like Tinder where it’s the be all and end all, but having a pic is still useful. It increases engagement and creates a much better impression than a blank gray default image.

To change your profile pic in Strava, you don’t use your profile but the Settings menu instead.

  1. Log into Strava.
  2. Select your existing profile pic in the top right and select Settings from the menu.
  3. Select Remove under your existing profile image or Add if you don’t have one.
  4. Select an image in the next window and place it within the square crop marker.
  5. Select Save once finished.

You will be taken back your My Profile page where your new pic should appear.

Change your weight in Strava

Weight is usually a big no-no on apps but it plays a key role in Strava. It influences some of the metrics used although you certainly don’t have to add it. It isn’t like Zwift or Sufferfest where it impacts your suffer score but helps build an overall picture of you as an athlete.

If you need to change your weight to reflect your current condition, you can.

  1. Select your profile pic in the top right of Strava.
  2. Select Settings from the menu.
  3. Scroll down the My Profile page to your weight and hover over it.
  4. Select the Pencil icon to change and modify your weight in the box.
  5. Select Save once done.

Edit your bio in Strava

You can edit your bio in exactly the same way. Many users don’t bother with a bio as we’re not on Strava to date but some people like to add a little detail to theirs. If you’re one of those, you can do it easily from the My Profile window.

  1. Select your profile pic in the top right of Strava.
  2. Select Settings from the menu.
  3. Scroll down the My Profile page to your Profile Bio and hover over it.
  4. Select the pencil to edit.
  5. Add your bio and hit Save once finished.

You will be taken back to the My Profile page where you will see your changes reflected there. If your profile is set to public, everyone will be able to see your profile.

Changing profile privacy settings in Strava

The privacy settings in Strava were recently changed to make them much clearer. I think the change was for the good and it is now simple to see what data is shared where and who can see it. It is also very simple to change the settings should you want to.

  1. Select your profile pic in the top right of Strava.
  2. Select Settings from the menu.
  3. Select Privacy Controls from the left menu.
  4. Select a privacy option in the center pane.
  5. Modify it as you see fit.
  6. Scroll down the page to modify Privacy Zones, heatmap participation and other privacy settings.

If find the privacy options in Strava the simplest of most web apps. The language is clear, there is very little ambiguity and you can change any setting on the fly.

You can also select the Data Permissions menu option on the left for more privacy options. This has a single choice regarding health-related data and whether you allow Strava access to health data. This is mainly heart rate monitor related but can include other inputs if you use them.

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