How Telegram Channel Earn Money – Top 5 Ways In 2022 –

Telegram is one of the best place to gain online subscribers and make money. If you also have a Telegram channel, learn how Telegram channel earn money and top 5 ways to monetize your channel.

Social media platforms are used by influencers to gain an audience and make money from it. On Telegram, people can create a free channel or group and start gaining subscribers. People join that channel/group and admins publish the various types of content. If you’re also interested in running a Telegram channel and earning money from it, you can try out five different methods to do so.

We’ve described the five different ways in this article. By following those step-by-step guides, you’ll learn how Telegram channel earns money and how you can monetize your channel as well.

how telegram channel earns money

Keep in mind that the process isn’t easy and you need to learn more about selling online. It includes learning how affiliate commission works and how to sell ads to your clients.

As an admin of your Telegram channel, you should be aware of your member’s interests. If you know their interest, it will be easier for you to sell them the right stuff.


  • 1 How Telegram Channel Earn Money?
    • 1.1 1. Do Affiliate Marketing
    • 1.2 2. Give Shoutout To Other Channels
    • 1.3 3. Offer Paid Membership
    • 1.4 4. Use Shortlinks Services
    • 1.5 5. Paid Sponsorships
  • 2 Conclusion

How Telegram Channel Earn Money?

People monetize their Telegram channels via Affiliate links. People purchase a subscription/membership and channel admins are given a commission for each signup. Another way people use is by selling ads or giving shout-outs to other channels.

Other ways include running short links services or asking for direct donations from the members. Such methods work well on any Telegram channel without violating their TOS. These are the promising ways to earn money from a Telegram channel.

We’ve explained these methods in detail with every bit of information that you need. Keep in mind that your channel’s audience might be different than others. Hence, tweaking your monetization methods is necessary. Here are the top five ways to monetize your Telegram channel:

1. Do Affiliate Marketing

make money on telegram using affiliate marketing explained

Affiliate marketing is the best way to earn money online. Sell any purchase/subscription to your audience and you’ll be rewarded for that purchase. There’s a fixed reward amount and it varies from one affiliate program to another.

Telegram allows admins to promote their affiliate links on the channel. If you have a huge audience, post affiliate links to your channel and when people purchase any item from your link, you’ll be given a commission. It’s one of the best ways to monetize the Telegram channel and make money online.

Always keep in mind to sell the right stuff. If you have an entertainment channel, you can post affiliate links about online streaming services, etc. Many companies are looking for new customers and need people who can refer their services.

One more example of selling the right stuff is posting books, audiobooks affiliate links in study/books channels. Posting affiliate links that won’t match the interest of your audience will result in no purchases and no referral commission.

There are many affiliate programs e.g Amazon Affiliate, CJ Commission, Reseller Club, etc. No signup fee is required on such a platform. Make your free account, get your commission link, and post it on your channel/group.

If interested people buy that product/service using your link, you’ll see the reward amount on your affiliate program dashboard. It’s that easy to get started with this method to monetize your Telegram channel.

2. Give Shoutout To Other Channels

paid shout out on telegram to make money

It’s another best way to earn money from Telegram channel. Many Telegram marketers are looking for new members for their channels. If you are able to find such people, tell them about your channel and pitch them a shout-out idea.

Giving channel shout-outs is a very easy process and you can charge various amounts according to your audience size. Channels with thousands of active members can charge somewhere around 30-100$ or even more. It all depends on the type of audience.

In most cases, interested people contact channel admins on their own with their budget. There’s even no need to find such clients who are interested in paid shout-outs. But, if you haven’t been contacted by such people in a while, then you’re probably missing something.

When we talk about a Telegram channel, no one exactly knows who’s the admin behind that channel. Hence it becomes impossible for anyone to contact the channel admin.

If someone wants to promote their channel using your channel, they might not be able to contact you. Because you haven’t left any contact info in your channel’s description. So, it’s always recommended to leave contact information in your channel’s description. It makes it easier for advertisers to contact you.

Here are the steps for those who don’t know how to leave contact information on your channel:

  • Make sure you’ve got your username on Telegram.
  • Go to your channel’s Settings and click Edit channel.
  • Along with your channel’s description, write this: For Promotions, Contact: @your_username
  • Save the channel settings.

Now when someone checks your channel’s description, they can easily contact you by clicking on your username. It makes it easier for the advertisers to come in contact with you and pitch their advertisement idea.

You can even put your E-Mail/Website in the channel’s description. It’s all about giving advertisers a method to contact you. If your audience is big enough, a lot of advertisers will contact you for paid shout-outs.

3. Offer Paid Membership

offer paid membership to make money on telegram

You can offer paid membership/subscription to your channel members. Tell them about your premium content and the cost of accessing that content. Accept payments via some 3-rd party payment gateways and provide access to that content.

For Example: If you’re providing free e-books to your members, you can tell them via a message that there are some premium books that can be accessed via paid subscription. Structure your subscription model and share it with your channel members.

Once you’ve started gaining paid members, it’s your duty to provide them with premium content. It can be done via many means such as sharing G-Drive links etc. It’s a little tricky but if your content is exclusive, there are many people out there who might purchase the membership.

Make sure your content is worthy otherwise you might lose your premium members. Provide them with top-notch content so that they don’t ask for refunds. It’s hard at starting but it is a must because if your content is worthy, the number of paid members will grow with time.

use shortlinks services to make money from telegram

This is another best method to earn money from your Telegram channel. Instead of posting content directly to the channel, provide it using 3-rd party file hosting servers. Shorten the download link using any Shortlink services and post it to the group.

When a user clicks on your shortened link, you’ll be given a reward. This monetization model works on the advertisement. You can either create your own Shortlink service or use the existing ones. Many URL shorteners are paying their publishers a good amount.

Such services include,,, etc. These services pay their publishers according to the traffic they send to their short links. If your traffic is from high CPC countries, it’s likely to earn a good amount from these services.

5. Paid Sponsorships

offer paid sponsorships on channel to earn money

Sponsorships are becoming one of the best ways to make money using the Telegram channel. Many companies want to advertise their products and services on social media. The best way they use is via telling social media influencers to post something about their product.

Promotion can be done via video/article/message etc. You can contact such companies on your own and let them know about your channel. If they’re interested, they’ll surely provide you a paid sponsorship offers.

But keep in mind that always promote brands that are relevant to your audience. Promoting irrelevant products and services might get your audience frustrated. Also, don’t do it too much as too many sponsorship messages can also ruin the user experience of your members in the group.

Keep it simple, minimum, and attractive to the users. So that they can also build a connection with the brand if they find it interesting. Paid sponsorship is also a way to monetize your Telegram channel.


Telegram is a great place to build your online community and make money from it. We’ve tried to explain how Telegram channel earn money and how you can monetize your channel. There can be many other methods to monetize channels and if you such methods, leave them in the comment section.

Telegram 是获得在线订户和赚钱的最佳场所之一。如果您也有 Telegram 频道,请了解Telegram 频道如何赚钱以及通过您的频道获利的 5 大方法。

有影响力的人使用社交媒体平台来吸引观众并从中赚钱。在 Telegram 上,人们可以创建一个免费频道或群组并开始获得订阅者。人们加入该频道/组,管理员发布各种类型的内容。如果您也对运营 Telegram 频道并从中赚钱感兴趣,您可以尝试五种不同的方法。

我们在本文中描述了五种不同的方式。通过遵循这些分步指南,您将了解 Telegram 频道如何赚钱以及如何通过您的频道获利



作为 Telegram 频道的管理员,您应该了解会员的兴趣。如果您了解他们的兴趣,您将更容易向他们出售正确的东西。

Telegram 频道如何赚钱?

人们通过附属链接通过他们的 Telegram 频道获利。人们购买订阅/会员资格,频道管理员每次注册都会获得佣金。人们使用的另一种方式是通过销售广告或向其他渠道大喊大叫。

其他方式包括运行短链接服务或要求会员直接捐款。这样的方法在任何 Telegram 频道上都能很好地工作,而不会违反他们的 TOS。这些是从 Telegram 频道赚钱的有前途的方法。

我们已经详细解释了这些方法以及您需要的每一点信息。请记住,您频道的观众可能与其他观众不同。因此,有必要调整您的获利方式。以下是通过 Telegram 频道获利的前五种方法:




Telegram 允许管理员在频道上推广他们的附属链接。如果您有大量观众,请将会员链接发布到您的频道,当人们从您的链接购买任何商品时,您将获得佣金。这是通过 Telegram 频道获利和在线赚钱的最佳方式之一。



有许多联盟计划,例如 Amazon Affiliate、CJ Commission、Reseller Club 等。在这样的平台上不需要注册费。创建您的免费帐户,获取您的佣金链接,并将其发布到您的频道/群组。

如果感兴趣的人使用您的链接购买该产品/服务,您将在您的联盟计划仪表板上看到奖励金额。使用这种方法很容易开始通过您的 Telegram 频道获利。



这是从 Telegram 频道赚钱的另一种最佳方式。许多电报营销人员正在为其频道寻找新成员。如果您能够找到这样的人,请告诉他们您的频道并向他们提出一个大喊大叫的想法。

提供频道宣传是一个非常简单的过程,您可以根据观众人数收取不同的费用。拥有数千名活跃会员的频道可以收取大约 30-100 美元甚至更多的费用。这完全取决于观众的类型。


当我们谈论 Telegram 频道时,没有人确切知道谁是该频道背后的管理员。因此,任何人都无法联系频道管理员。



  • 确保你在 Telegram 上有你的用户名。
  • 转到您频道的设置,然后单击编辑频道。
  • 连同您的频道描述一起写下:对于促销,联系人:@your_username
  • 保存频道设置。



3. 提供付费会员


您可以向您的频道会员提供付费会员/订阅。告诉他们您的优质内容以及访问该内容的成本。通过一些 3 rd 方支付网关接受付款并提供对该内容的访问。


一旦您开始获得付费会员,您就有责任为他们提供优质内容。它可以通过多种方式完成,例如共享 G-Drive 链接等。这有点棘手,但如果您的内容是独家内容,那么有很多人可能会购买会员资格。




这是从 Telegram 频道赚钱的另一种最佳方法。不要将内容直接发布到频道,而是使用 3-rd 方文件托管服务器来提供。使用任何 Shortlink 服务缩短下载链接并将其发布到群组。

当用户点击您的缩短链接时,您将获得奖励。这种货币化模型适用于广告。您可以创建自己的 Shortlink 服务或使用现有的服务。许多 URL 缩短器向他们的发布商支付了一大笔钱。

此类服务包括、、 等。这些服务根据他们发送到短链接的流量向其发布者付费。如果您的流量来自每次点击费用较高的国家/地区,则可能会从这些服务中赚取可观的收入。

5. 付费赞助


赞助正在成为使用 Telegram 频道赚钱的最佳方式之一。许多公司希望在社交媒体上宣传他们的产品和服务。他们使用的最佳方式是告诉社交媒体影响者发布有关他们产品的信息。



保持简单、最小化和对用户有吸引力。如果他们觉得有趣,他们也可以与品牌建立联系。付费赞助也是通过 Telegram 频道获利的一种方式。


Telegram 是建立您的在线社区并从中赚钱的好地方。我们试图解释 Telegram 频道如何赚钱以及如何通过您的频道获利。可以有许多其他方法可以通过频道获利,如果您使用这些方法,请将它们留在评论部分。

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