GetBlock Has Begun To make APIs For Arbitrum Nodes |

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The GetBlock team is ecstatic about the newest addition to their blockchain APIs collection. GetBlock’s clients can now use Arbitrum, a revolutionary Layer-Two scalability solution for the Ethereum (ETH) network.

Contents [show]

  • 关于 Arbitrum
  • What exactly is Arbitrum, and why is it so important for Web3?
  • New Nodes Installation

关于 Arbitrum

GetBlock’s ecosystem of shared and dedicated nodes will enable Arbitrum, a high-performance network for off-chain calculations built on top of Ethereum, beginning in March 2022. (ETH).

For the Arbitrum solution, the experts launched both shared and dedicated nodes. JSON RPC and WebSockets techniques are used to access the shared nodes, which are a low-cost entry-level solution.

The shared nodes for Arbitrum run on v1.2.1 nodes software and can handle 1GB/sec traffic. They have a 99.99% uptime rate on average.

Arbitrum mainnet dedicated nodes with limitless requests are also available. They can also connect you to Arbitrum’s archive nodes if that’s what you’re looking for. The dedicated nodes are equipped with 16-thread CPUs, 64 GB DDR4 内存, and NVMe SSD hard drives, giving each port an unrivalled performance of 1 GBit/s.

Join the exclusive Arbitrum nodes marketing campaign to be the first to test the performance and resource efficiency of Ethereum L2s:

Users of the Arbitrum APIs who sign up for the first time can take advantage of two enticing offers:

  • 2+1: purchase a two-month Arbitrum dedicated node and use it for three months!
  • Arbitrum shared nodes have 40,000 free requests: Arbitrum is a free platform to develop on.

The engineers at GetBlock built a demo to show how the Arbitrum endpoint works. It’s available on ReplIt, so go ahead and try it out.

GetBlock’s client can check the amount of recent blocks validated by the Arbitrum network in the samples. API KEY is the client’s unique identifier.

What exactly is Arbitrum, and why is it so important for Web3?

For Ethereum, Arbitrum is one of the most advanced implementations of the Optimistic Rollups scaling method (ETH). Rollups allow some computations to be moved off-chain, reducing the load on Ethereum’s mainnet.

Rollups allow several transactions to be broadcast to Ethereum (ETH) in a single data batch. As a result, transactions took place on Arbitrum, with Ethereum’s hashrate confirming their validity.

Arbitrum runs its own virtual machine, an AVM that is completely compatible with the EVM. The advent of Arbitrum is a watershed moment for us because it allows us to deploy your dApps at minimal costs while maintaining their security.

New Nodes Installation

In March, we installed and added the following nodes to our platform:

  • Imaginative (FTM)
  • Arbitration (ARBITRUM)
  • Terra is a character in the game Terra (LUNA)

To begin using a shared node, create an account and obtain your API key, which will be displayed on the dashboard alongside the relevant data. Please contact one of the Business Development Managers via Telegram if you want to connect to a dedicated node of one of these or other blockchains. A relationship that not only added great value to the participants, but also to the entire company, since they are able to expand the ecosystem and bring all hack closer to the business world.

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