Bulk messaging in Telegram: how it works – article on Telegram-store.com – Telgram.cn

Bulk messaging in Telegram: how it works

A message sending to a group of users is a perfect mean of mass communication. As distinguished from lots of social networks where such tool is commonly used for the sake of advertising and marketing, Telegram bulk messaging has an informative character. It must be said that there is also a possibility of spamming although administrators of the messenger keep strict watch over this process and ban hopeless spammers if the necessity arises.


Newsletter the Telegram is popular by spammers
Newsletter in Telegram – a useful tool, but it is used by spammers


Generally accepted rules of bulk messaging

Bulk messaging is a rather convenient function. In order to inform your subscribers of some particular event, send an interesting photo to your friends or a document to your business partners, it is necessary to take a few actions.


Bulk messaging used channels in the Telegram
Telegram bulk messaging is associated with the channels in messenger


Telegram bulk messaging is primarily associated with the channels where all subscribers receive notifications of new posts by default. Along with user-friendliness, the given functional realizes so called spam protection which is based on execution of generally accepted rules, including the following ones:

  • Only subscribers are allowed to receive messages;
  • A subscription to a channel should be confirmed by an account owner only;
  • A user has an opportunity to give up on his subscription at any moment;
  • Data on subscribers should be stored in strict confidence and cannot be used to transfer information which is not connected with a channel’s subject-matter.


How Telegram bulk messaging works

As previously stated, channels are the main tool of bulk messaging in Telegram. The given process is automatically controlled which means that a channel’s creator does not need to carry out additional manipulations. All it takes is to add a new post after which a notification of this action will be sent to all subscribers.


However, what actions should be taken if you need to send information to particular users? A mail list is not provided in Telegram but there is a way to circumvent the given disadvantage. For doing this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a group chat:
  • For mobile devices:

Menu (the button with three vertical dots) → New group;

  • For PC:

Hand button (is located in a search box) → Create a group.

  1. Choose the name of a group, taking into account a subject-matter of information sent.
  2. Add group members who you need to send a message to.
  3. Go to a dialogue window and create a message (it may include a text, a photo, a video, a GIF-image or any other document).
  4. Tap on the «Send» button. Then all the groupʼs members (the maximum amount of which should be equal to 5000), will receive a message containing required information.


Tricky method Telegram bulk messaging
Tricky way to Telegram bulk messaging to specific users


On the one hand, this method allows sending messages to not only subscribers but also some particular users. At the same time, spam possibility emerges. It is connected with the fact that bulk messaging via group chats may be easily used for the sake of advertising while promoting particular goods, a website, or a channel as well.

In order to avoid spam spreading in Telegram, the messenger’s administrators are keeping a wary eye on the given process and rapidly respond to each complaint, banning careless users. The first ban lasts for a week, as a rule. In case of one more violation of rules, this term may be significantly increased. If a user has spammed on an industrial scale, his Telegram account will be blocked once and for all.


Several recommendations on how avoid becoming a spammer

If you do not want your actions to raise any questions and instigate administrators to block your account, follow these rules:

  • Send messages to the users from your contact list only. Few people like receiving messages from a stranger.
  • Send a message to the contacts which will not be surprised with this fact and are ready to get them on a regular basis.
  • Messages connected with commercial business, advertising and promotion of some services are the first to inspire resentment. Moreover, do not send an invitation to a group/a channel, if you are not sure that a person really needs it.


Do not forget that Telegram is a service created for secure communication between people and its administrators discourage any kind of advertising. So, when having bulk messaging in mind, try to carefully analyze all potential consequences.


Stop spam in the messenger
Analyze your actions, do not get spammers

Ten articles before and after

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Ban in Telegram – how to block an unwanted user – Telegram-store.com – Telgram.cn

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Telegram errors: parameters, main categories, examples – Telgram.cn