Are you getting the message already? – Telegram Group

Are you getting the message already?

There’s a tradeoff you can’t get away from in messaging apps. That’s between privacy of communication and oversight of authorities.

Here, here and here are a number of rankings of the most secure (meaning private) messaging apps. This is what you look at if you don’t want anyone sniffing out your deepest darkest secrets.

And then there’s the concerns about the security of those very same apps, because they allow extremists to coordinate (as well as protest movements in authoritarian countries and families who want privacy). Here, here and here are articles talking about the risk from extremists (and some solutions as well).

The fact is, the more secure a technology the more it can be used to maintain privacy for anyone, including criminals and extremists. The more open it is, the less privacy anyone has, that is using the platform.

And the more users a platform has, the more unsavory people will be on the platform.

This is a tradeoff. You can’t have both. And so there are compromises.

Let me close by saying the same considerations apply to WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Facebook Messenger, iMessage and WeChat. You can’t have it both ways.

Photo by Tyler Delgado on Unsplash

I’ll sign off by saying: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Thank you for reading, and I truly hope you are enjoying.

I’m going to take a holiday break and pick up again in the New Year. Here comes 2022! I hope next year will be less pandemic (fingers crossed, the evidence is not strong). Unless I decide otherwise, you should be hearing from me on the 10th of January.

If you feel like life has gotten out of control. Take heart. All you need to do to handle it, is grab that lever on your door.

Ten articles before and after

.NET Logging Provider for Telegram — now Open and Extensible – Telegram Group

Refer a friend to Opulous for #OpulXmas – Telegram Group

Mercor Finance Kicks Off Full Launch Month — Introducing Its Official Telegram Bot – Telegram Group

Telegram is the Mos Eisley Cantina (Tatooine) of the Cryptoverse – Telegram Group

How to anonymously follow Instagram posts, stories and highlights via Telegram – Telegram Group

HODLing in Bear Market (DAO). “When the going gets tough , the though… – Telegram Group

Unmarshal Telegram Genie Bot. Unmarshal is proud to release the… – Telegram Group

5 Reasons Why You Should Change WhatsApp for Telegram – Telegram Group

How to keep content in Telegram channels ‘members-only’ – Telegram Group

Telegram HTTP API With Python — Sending Messages Programatically – Telegram Group